Having the finest student classroom chairs coupled with flexible classroom seating helps to create an engaging learning environment, especially for young children that have a natural need to be physically active.
For this reason, we want to share the best classroom seating for your primary schools. At Abax Kingfisher, we have created classroom chairs that your students will love. These include:
Our Classic Classroom Chair offers superior comfort, style, and functionality for the primary school classroom. These chairs are lightweight and stackable, making them an invaluable addition to your primary classroom, allowing both teachers and students to transform the classroom with ease.
The Ariah Chair school seating range is suitable for every year group, from kindergarten up to year 12. These chairs are designed with ultimate comfort and durability in mind. The Ariah chair has a specially made shell with a ribbed back which allows the chair to ‘flex’ without breaking, this design provides wonderful back support for growing students.
Once you have chosen your chairs, it is time to think about a seating plan. Here are a few options to consider:
Sitting in a Row
This is the most traditional and common way of seating, with students sitting by themselves at a desk. The desks are organised in rows with equal space between them and their classmates. The number of rows and the number of students in each row will depend on the size of your classroom and amount of students. Although this layout makes it easier for students to complete individual work, it is harder for them to collaborate.
Sitting in Groups
Placing students into small groups, will enable them to work collaboratively. This type of seating arrangement is the most social, as students will often work together. This type of seating arrangement allows teachers to observe how students work together, as well as the quality of work they produce in this way.
Sitting in a U-Shape
U-shape, or semi-circular seating is shown to increase engagement in the lessons compared to rows or groups. It allows for easy class discussion as some students will be facing each other in the room. The U-shape seating arrangement promotes better eye-contact with all students and gives the lesson a more collaborative feel.
At Abax Kingfisher, we are dedicated to providing the finest school furniture NSW can offer. For further information on classroom seating, contact us on 1300 811 054.