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Halls and auditoriums play a huge role within education. They become the heart of the school, where all students and teachers can gather in one place, whether it is for a school assembly, school productions, showcase events and so much more. It is important that you have the right furniture to ensure that this space can be transformed for whatever the use may be.






Durability is key, and AbaxKingfisher’s hall furniture range is all backed by a 10-year warranty. These hall chairs will be used year-in, year-out, and as such will experience a lot of wear and tear, but our furniture is designed to withstand that, and remain in top working condition.

Functional and Flexible

All of our hall and auditorium furniture has been designed around the various ways people interact with furniture in school settings. The hall or auditorium spaces are constantly transformed for different uses. At Abax  Kingfisher we have designed our furniture to be highly mobile and stackable, therefore, it is easy to transform the auditorium space for whatever the intended use may be.

Activity Based

The way students are taught at school has completely evolved. The 21st century learning experience at school is now more about tailored experiences than sitting still for six hours in a day, and the Abax Kingfisher range of education furniture in Australia has been designed around this modern approach to teaching. You will be able to easily achieve the learning experience within halls and auditoriums uninhibited by restrictions on the capabilities of the furniture.

These teaching innovations have been proven to drive greater levels of engagement and participation by students, and better learning outcomes as a result. But to truly boost the effectiveness of these new ways of teaching, the approach to school hall furniture needs to be re-thought.

How to buy the finest in education furniture, Australia.

Abax Kingfisher has been a specialist supplier of furniture for school classroom to Sydney’s schools of all types for many years now. We understand the needs of students and teachers and work hard to create the most comfortable and productive learning environments for each and every student.


When it comes to education furniture, Australia is spoiled for choice, but investing all the innovative, creative, and effective furniture you’ll need is as simple as giving us a call and telling us the kind of learning environment that you’re looking for. From there we will be able to plan out a furniture solution that will delight teachers, students, and their parents.


At Abax Kingfisher, we provide the finest education furniture Australia can offer. We work with each of our clients to ensure that the school furniture that they purchase matches with their vision for their learning experience. If you are searching for the most durable education furniture Australia can provide, contact Abax Kingfisher today with your ideas at [email protected] or 1300 811 054, and let’s get the conversation started.

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